Monday, 31 October 2011


Well, happy halloween folks :)
Today's the day that kids get dressed up and get free sweets, can't get much better than that can it?
"Good Life" by Onerepublic has really influenced my creativity today.
I do love days where so many ideas fill your mind, and the world seems like a better place, and you know that everything's gonna be okay.
This is what music's about. It's about finding your opinions, figuring out how it is you see the world, and finding the strength to overcome your battles. For me, one song can change everything..

Got this feeling you can't fight, like this city is on fire tonight, this could really be a good life, a good good life.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Song of today is "Don't You Worry" by The Beloved.
This song has a slow feel to it, but really, it's quite happy.
The lyrics are so positive, they're exactly what i need on a down day..
Sometimes it's hard not to worry, things in life take a turn, and you don't know how to deal, so you worry, or get sad, when maybe the situation really isn't worth worrying about. You do it anyway, because you don't know how else to feel..

Friday, 28 October 2011


Today i'm listening to "Wave of Mutilation" by The Pixies
This song gets me, because i'm not sure how to interpret it,
"cease to resist, giving my goodbye, drive my car into the ocean"

This is what's so great about music, it can be interpreted differently by so many different people, some people can find a song like, totally depressing, and others can find it meaningful and find inspiration from it.

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Today I'm listening to "This is England" by the clash.
Without a doubt, this song has meaning. The state of england at the time of it's release was the inspiration behind the song. High unemployment, violence, and the time of Thatcher.
I think that's enough to make anyone pick up a pen and write down their thoughts..

Time on his hands freezing in those clothes
He won't go for the carrot
They beat him by the pole
Some sunny day confronted by his soul
He's out at sea, too far off, he can't go home

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Today, "For Blue Skies" by Strays Don't Sleep has been my song.
It's such a simple song, with the same notes the whole way through, but it's so powerful and brings me to tears everytime i listen to it.

Sometimes i like crying.. kinda brings out some kind of emotion from you, even when you feel numb.

This songs more about forgiveness..

I wanna burn this film
You alone with those pills
What you couldn’t do I will
I forgive you.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Kurt Cobain has to be one of the most legendary musicians of all time. Today i had Nirvana's "Nevermind" album on, couldn't help but think how much feeling you can hear through his music. He knew how to turn his pain into music, even though he also did turn to drugs. Although drugs numbed his pain, the music he created was from that pain.

Song of the day would have to be "In Bloom" by Nirvana.

He's the one who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means

Monday, 24 October 2011


Well, today, it's audioslave ringing in my ears. Which of course, is a good thing.
I am the highway is my song of today, the words make sense to me.

I am not your rolling wheels, i am the highway.

This is my strength song, reminds me that im not a person to push around, i shouldnt have to be pushed around. So, thank you audioslave.

Sunday, 23 October 2011


So, today, i've been maybe a bit obsessed with Tom Petty, he came on live on tv, and i couldn't resist watching. I've had "Something good coming" stuck in my head all day.

There’s something good coming
For you and me
Something good coming
There has to be

I hope there's something good coming for me. We wait our whole lives waiting for something good, hoping that maybe tomorrow we'll be happier, but even when it does, it's not gonna last forever. That's part of life.