Tuesday, 1 November 2011


What is really the point in it all? Life..
Is it success? Love? Happiness?
How do you measure your success, your love, or your happiness?
Happiness is a mood, it comes and it goes, you're not going to be happy forever.. but when you are it's great. To be in love is incredible, it's something you should keep hold of while you have it, even when it does get confusing, difficult, or too much.
Success? You could say success is measured by money, power, and/or happiness. But to me, success is more about who you are yourself. Successful people are the one's who put themselves out there, showing the world who they are and what they're about, and not backing down when life gets too tough, and working hard at every task thrown their way. Look at the worlds greatest musicians, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Buckley.. the list really is endless. But these guys weren't afraid, they did what they were good at and wowed the world with their talents. This, is success.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Oh Oh and look at me too, me too, me too. I'm not getting admission or a job either and i'm busy blogging. :D :D :P ha ha. :D Does that count as successful's success?
