Monday, 16 April 2012

lack of activity? sorry guys..

Yes, i've been away! It happens time to time..

Anyway, today i'm listening to "Home" by Foo Fighters

Not only has my time away given me a chance to reflect (yes, something i do fairly often..) but it's given me a chance to miss home. You know the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, it's true. I find missing home gives me a chance to really appreciate what i have. I even missed every ridiculously cheesy quote on my wall.. Which, looking at them right now, it reminds me of who i was when i put them up there in the first place, and what a dark place i was in, and how today, i'm completely different. But as many will tell you, when you've been in that place for a long time, you carry it around pretty much for the rest of your life whether it be as a distant memory in the back of your mind, or a very clear one.
 So it's pretty much the title in itself with this song for me. There's nothing better.

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